
As a Church school, Christian values and beliefs are at the heart of our vision and provide the foundation for everything we do.  Our vision reflects the Church of England`s Vision for Education to enhance young lives through the development of wisdom, hope, community and dignity.

Curriculum Vision

The Bishops’ Blue Coat Church of England High School is an exciting place to be. We know, nurture, and inspire our community to be the best version of themselves through a better understanding of the Christian faith, our core values and a rich set of opportunities. Students achieve academically whilst growing personally and spiritually.  Through their engagement in society, at Bishops’ and beyond, our students make a positive difference through wise action, resilience and a sense of responsibility.  Our community is enabled to live a life guided by Jesus, to flourish and have, “life in all its fullness” (John 10:10).

Our theologically rooted Christian vision, John 10:10 means that our curriculum is driven by educating the whole person in order that they may serve the common good. This means that our curriculum philosophy is underpinned by the values of Dignity and Respect, Aspiration and Hope, and Wisdom, Knowledge and Skills.  Our core values support our learners on their personal, academic and spiritual journeys and help them to become positive members of society with a deep understanding of Christian and British values.


We offer a challenging, well sequenced curriculum which is broad and balanced focusing on breadth before depth, promoting new knowledge through subject based learning which will support each individual to strive for progress and self-improvement throughout their seven-year journey at Bishops.  Student progress is achieved through high quality teaching and access to a range of engaging learning opportunities enabling students to fulfil their whole potential and view education as a lifelong process.

We will achieve this by…

  • Ensuring that all students have access to a challenging, broad, and balanced curriculum which is shaped by our Christian vision and values.
  • Developing a curriculum that has an appropriate coverage, content, structure, and sequencing that has been implemented effectively through careful planning and consideration
  • Developing a knowledge-led curriculum which also explicitly acknowledges and develops transferrable skills.
  • Developing high quality teaching in all classrooms through regular, high quality staff professional development, ensuring that we develop and retain outstanding professionals.
  • Using evidence-based research to inform developments in curricular provision, pedagogy, and leadership, ensuring our practices and provision are inclusive, supportive, and challenging.
  • Ensuring teachers know their class; all students are known personally and academically.
  • Ensuring teachers use the language of Bishops’ BESt, fostering strong relationships through a culture of high expectations and high support to promote highly positive attitudes towards learning.
  • Ensuring that everyone promotes our core values of Dignity and Respect, Aspiration and Hope, and Wisdom, Knowledge and Skills.
  • Understanding that reading and literacy is a key barrier to achieving our curriculum vision