If you enjoy the way in which you learn in your drama lessons and like the challenge of creating performance in a variety of styles.

If you are interested in the history of theatre and exploring how drama can develop your ideas within a range of different topics.

This is an academic qualification and although lessons will be mainly practical there are coursework and written exam elements to the course.

The course is a must for any student passionate about drama and being creative.

A willingness to perform is a must for this option.

The importance of the arts




GCSE Drama follows on from drama work you have done in years 7-9. You will look at plays in more detail and look at ways of bringing a script alive on stage. It is proven that both business and law value drama as a qualification on a CV as it says a lot about a person’s confidence and interpersonal skills.

The study of Drama can help you develop transferable skills which you can take into any career or job. It allows for developments in key skills such as leadership, communication, presentation and the ability to develop ideas within a group which are a must in any job.

Throughout the two years students will:

  • learn about the History of Theatre and its key practitioners.
  • develop their practical understanding of how drama can communicate to a variety of audiences.
  • evaluate live performances.
  • analyse plays and use their knowledge of drama to develop a clear interpretation of a text.
  • develop the skills needed to devise an original performance from a stimulus.