What will the first day of school be like?
When the autumn term begins in September 2023 the first day is dedicated to Year 7 students only. Year 7 have the first day of school all to themselves. This will give them an opportunity to explore the campus, meet their form tutor, get to know their form more, learn their timetable and begin to settle into the new routines of life at Bishops’.
What will I need on my first day in school?
On your first day you will need to bring the following. Pencil case, pencils, pen, rubber, ruler, protractor, calculator, colouring pencils, and a bottle of water. You will not need to bring your PE kit in for the first day of school.
Will the canteen be available on my first day?
Yes, the canteen will be available and you will be able top-up your lunch account before you start Year 7.
Where do I go if I need help?
There are a number of people to talk to if you need help. If it is a problem with a subject, your subject teacher will be available to support you. If you want to speak with someone or just need some extra support your Form Tutor, Year Leader or Pastoral Support Officer are there to help. There are also plenty of adults and older students to ask if you need help.
Can I bring my phone into school?
Students are expected to keep their phones “off and away” during lessons however they can access their mobile before and after school and during break and lunch time. As part of our curriculum students are taught the importance of internet safety.
Will I get lost?
It can be daunting when you first start as you will be moving from class to class and building to building. Don’t worry, there are plenty of opportunities to get to know the school during your transition day as well as on the first day of term in September. On your first day only Year 7 students will be on-site. It will give you an opportunity to get to know your form group, form tutor and find your way around the school. In the mean time go to our Virtual 3D tour above to familiarise yourself with the school